(1) CONTEST PERIOD: The Molson x Toronto Maple Leafs Nation HQContest (the “Contest”) begins at 9:00 a.m. ET on October 9, 2024 and ends at11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 17, 2025 (the “Contest Period”).

(2) ELIGIBILITY:  The Contest is only open to legal residentsof the Province of Ontario who are nineteen (19) years of age or older, livingwithin one hundred and twenty (120) kilometers of the City of Toronto (each an“Entrant”). Employees and the immediate family members (including those withwhom they are domiciled) of Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Partnership(“MLSE”), Molson Canada 2005 (“Molson”, and together with MLSE, the “ContestSponsors”), the Toronto Maple Leafs, the National Hockey League and its memberteams, NHL Enterprises LP and each of their respective parent companies,subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, governors, agents, theiradvertising and promotional agencies (together with Contest Sponsors, the“Released Parties”) are not eligible to enter the Contest. Determinations ofContest eligibility shall be made in the sole discretion of the ContestSponsors and shall be final and binding

(3)  HOW TO ENTER:  During the Contest Period, an Entrantmay enter the Contest by doing the following:
• Open or download the official Toronto Maple Leafs App (the “App”), availablefor iOS and Android
• Visit the Molson Canadian Leafs Nation HQ Viewing Parties tile within the“Fan” section of the App
• Select the event date and location (the “Event”) the Entrant wishes toregister for
• Complete all required fields and click the ‘SUBMIT’ button to receive one (1)entry per location

Duchess of Markham | Markham | October 9th, 2024Monoghans | Oakville | October 22nd, 2024Olde Village Freehouse | Newmarket | October 26th, 2024
Lockeroom | Barrie | November 2nd, 2024
Chip n' Charlies | Niagara Falls | November 27th, 2024
Kully’s | St Catharines | November 30th, 2024Hooligans | Niagara Falls | December 7th, 2024One Eyed Jacks | Toronto | December 14th, 2024 Bollock's Pub | Whitby | January 9th, 2025
Tipsy Fox | Shelburne | January 11th, 2025
Morty's Pub | Waterloo | January 18th, 2025
Gator Teds | Burlington | January 25th, 2025Alibi Roadhouse | London | February 1st, 2025The Tickled Toad | Thornhill | February 8th, 2025Timothy's Pub | Toronto | February 25th, 2025
The Score on Queen | Toronto | February 28th, 2025Beaver & Bulldog | Collingwood | March 8th, 2025
The Bottom Line | Toronto | March 20th, 2025
Red Harp | Acton | March 22nd, 2025Players Bar and Grill | London | March 20th, 2025
Endzone | Hamilton | April 8th, 2025

To receive an entry without purchase, an Entrant may send a letter and aself-addressed stamped envelope with the subject line “Molson Canadian LeafsNation HQ Contest in Toronto Maple Leafs App” to 50 Bay Street, Suite 500,Toronto, ON M5J 2L2. Limit of one Entry per envelope. There is a limit of one(1) entry per Entrant per location during the Contest Period. An Entry will bedeclared invalid if they are incomplete, damaged, irregular, or mechanically orelectronically reproduced. If it is discovered by the Contest Sponsors (usingany evidence or other information made available to, or otherwise discoveredby, the Contest Sponsors) that any person has attempted to use (or attempt touse) multiple names, identities, email addresses and/or any automated, macro,script, robotic or other system(s) or program(s) to enter the Contest more thanonce or to otherwise participate in or disrupt this Contest, they may bedisqualified from the Contest, and any future contests of the Contest Sponsors,in the sole discretion of the Contest Sponsors. The Contest Sponsors reservethe right, in their  sole discretion, to require proof of identity and/oreligibility (in a form acceptable to the Contest Sponsors – including, withoutlimitation, government issued photo identification): (i) for the purposes ofverifying an Entrant’s eligibility to participate in this Contest; (ii) for thepurposes of verifying the eligibility and/or legitimacy of an Entry entered (orpurportedly entered) for the purposes of this Contest; and/or (iii) for anyother reason the Contest Sponsors deem necessary, in their  solediscretion, for the purposes of administering this Contest in accordance withthese Official Rules. Failure to provide such proof to the satisfaction of theContest Sponsors in a timely manner may result in disqualification of theEntrant, in the sole discretion of the Contest Sponsors.

(4)  PRIZES: For each Event, there will be eleven (11) prizesavailable to be won during the Contest Period, to be awarded onsite at theEvent. There are 222 total prizes to be distributed during the Contest Period.In order to be eligible to receive their prize, the Selected Entrant mustattend the Event they registered for. One (1) Selected Entrant will receive theGrand Prize, consisting of:• One (1) Google Pixel valued at $450.00 CAD at theMolson Coors account hosting the event • One (1) Maple Leafs prize packconsisting of exclusive merchandise (at the discretion of the Sponsors) • Theapproximate retail value of the Prize is $450.00 CAD Ten (10) Selected Entrantswill receive the Secondary Prize, consisting of: • One (1) Maple Leafs prizepack valued at $25.00 CAD at the Molson Coors account hosting the event• Theapproximate retail value of the Prize is $25.00 CAD Prize Winner is not entitledto any difference between the actual value of the Prize and the approximateretail value stated herein. Each Prize Winner must follow all directions of theContest Sponsors with respect to the Prize or any aspect thereof. Failure to doso may result in termination of participation, or continued participation, inthe Prize or any aspect thereof. Each Prize must be accepted as awarded withoutsubstitution and is not transferrable, refundable, for resale or convertible tocash.  The Contest Sponsors reserve the right, in the event that a Prize,or any component of a Prize, cannot be awarded as described for any reason, tosubstitute the same for another prize or component of equal or greater value,without notice or liability. In the event that a substitute prize is awarded,such prize must be accepted as awarded and cannot be exchanged for cash orotherwise. The odds of winning a prize depend on the number of entries receivedprior to each Event.

(5)  WINNER SELECTION: 72 hours before each event, one (1)Entrants will be selected from amongst all eligible Entries received during thecontest period by random draw at the head offices of MLSE (50 Bay Street,Toronto, ON) or such other location in the province of Ontario as the ContestSponsors may designate, to select a potential winner of the Grand Prize (the“Selected Grand Prize Entrant”). Ten (10) additional Entrants will be selectedas a potential winner of the Secondary Prize (the “Selected Secondary PrizeEntrant”). No entries received after the 72 hour pre-Event contest cut off willbe eligible.Each Selected Entrant will be contacted by the contact informationprovided in the App. If a Selected Entrant cannot be contacted or fails torespond within twenty-four (24) hours of the first attempt of contact by theContest Sponsors, they will be considered to have forfeited their Prize andwill be disqualified and another Entrant may be selected from the remainingeligible Entries until such time as contact is made with a Selected Entrant orthere are no more eligible Entries, whichever comes first (in which case theabove-noted process will apply to such alternate Entrant). The Contest Sponsorswill not be responsible for failed attempts to contact any Selected Entrant.

(6) CLAIMING YOUR PRIZE: To be declared a winner (“Winner”), eachSelected Entrant must answer correctly, without assistance of any kind, whethermechanical or otherwise, a time-limited mathematical skill-testing questionposed either by telephone or email at the telephone number or email address onthe account of record for that Selected Entrant, or on their no-purchasemail-in Entry, as applicable. The Selected Entrant will be required to sign aDeclaration, Release and Waiver Form (the “Release Form”) confirming compliancewith the Official Rules, acceptance of the Prize as awarded, withoutsubstitution, and releasing the Released Parties from any liability inconnection with the Prize or the Contest. If a Selected Entrant does not meetall of the Contest requirements, fails to correctly answer the mathematicalskill-testing question or does not sign and return the Release Form to theContest Sponsors within the time-frame specified, that Selected Entrant willforfeit their Prize and the Contest Sponsors shall be entitled (but notobligated) to select another Entrant from the remaining eligible Entries untilsuch time as contact is made with an Entrant or there are no more eligibleEntries, whichever comes first. This process may continue until each Prize hasbeen awarded or there is insufficient time to permit the awarding of any Prize(in which case the above-noted process will apply to such alternate Entrant).The Contest Sponsors are not responsible, whether as a result of human error orotherwise, for any failure to contact any Selected Entrant. The ContestSponsors will contact each Winner following receipt of their signed ReleaseForm to arrange for delivery of the respective Prize. GENERAL RULES  Inthe event of a conflict between the Official Rules and any instructions orinterpretations of these Official Rules given by an employee of the ContestSponsors regarding the Contest, these Official Rules shall prevail. In theevent of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the terms and conditions ofthese Official Rules and disclosures or other statements contained in anyContest-related materials, the terms and conditions of these Official Rulesshall prevail, govern and control.

(7)  INDEMNIFICATION: By submitting an Entry into thisContest, each Entrant confirms his or her understanding of and compliance withthese Official Rules.  Each Entrant, and their representatives, heirs,next of kin or assignees (“Entrant’s Representatives”), hereby releases andholds the Released Parties harmless from any and all liability for anyinjuries, loss or damage of any kind to the Entrant, Entrant’s Representativesor any other person, including personal injury, death or property damage,resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from acceptance,possession, use or misuse of any Prize, participation in the Contest, anybreach of the Official Rules, or in any Prize-related activity. The Entrant andEntrant’s Representatives agree to fully indemnify the Released Parties fromany and all claims by third parties relating to the Contest, without limitation.

(8)  LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: None of the Released Partiesassumes any liability for any incorrect or inaccurate information, whethercaused by website users or by any of the equipment or programming associatedwith or utilized in the Contest or for any technical or human error which mayoccur in the processing of Entries, the selection of the Winner or for anyprinting or other errors in any Contest materials. The Released Parties assumeno responsibility for any error, omission, tampering, interruption, deletion,defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theftor destruction or authorized access to, or alteration of Entries. The ReleasedParties are not responsible for any problems, viruses or technical malfunctionof any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers orproviders, computer equipment, software, failure of email or Direct Messagingon account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or atany website or combination thereof, including injury or damage to Entrants orto any other person's computer related to or resulting from participating ordownloading materials in the Contest. None of the Released Parties assumes anyliability for any personal injury or property damage or losses of any kind,including without limitation, direct, indirect, consequential, incidental orpunitive damages which may be sustained to an Entrant's or any other person'scomputer equipment resulting from an Entrant's attempt to either participate inthe Contest or download any information in connection with participating in theContest or use of any website. Without limiting the foregoing, everything onany website is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind,either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warrantiesof merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement.

(9)  CONTEST ADMINISTRATION: All decisions regarding theContest remain with the Contest Sponsors.  The Contest Sponsors reservethe right, in their sole discretion, to modify, cancel, suspend and/orterminate any or all parts of the Contest for any reason. The Contest Sponsorsreserve the right, in their sole discretion, to disqualify any individual foundto be in violation of these Official Rules. The Contest Sponsors reserve theright to refuse an Entry from a person whose eligibility is in question or whohas been disqualified or is otherwise ineligible to enter. Any attempt totamper with the entry process, interfere with these Official Rules,deliberately damage any website or undermine the administration, security orlegitimate operation of the Contest, is a violation of criminal and civil laws,and the Contest Sponsors reserve the right to seek damages and/or other relief(including attorneys’ fees) from all persons responsible for such acts to thefullest extent permitted by law, which may include banning or disqualifyingEntrants from this and future  contests of the Contest Sponsors.  Intheir sole determination, the Contest Sponsors may disqualify any person whoacts in any manner to threaten or abuse or harass any person and to void allsuch person’s associated Entries. The Contest Sponsors reserve the right, intheir sole discretion, to terminate or suspend the Contest should fraud, virus,bugs, or other reasons beyond the control of the Contest Sponsors corrupt thesecurity, proper play or administration of the Contest.

(10)  PRIVACY AND PUBLICITY RIGHTS: By accepting a Prize, eachWinner agrees to allow MLSE and its respective subsidiaries and affiliates,promotional and advertising agencies and representatives the right to usehis/her name, biographical information, image, photos and/or likeness andstatements for programming, promotion, trade, commercial, advertising and publicitypurposes in connection with this Contest, at any time or times, in all medianow known or hereafter discovered, worldwide, including but not limited to ontelevision, video, the World Wide Web and Internet, without notice, review orapproval and without additional compensation, except where prohibited bylaw.The Contest Sponsors respect your right to privacy. Personal informationcollected from Entrants will only be used by the Contest Sponsors to administerthe Contest and, only if consent is actively given at the time of entry, toprovide Entrants with information regarding upcoming promotions and/or eventsfrom the Contest Sponsors.  For more information regarding the manner ofcollection, use and disclosure of personal information by (a) MLSE, pleaserefer to the privacy policy available at, or (b)Molson, please refer to the privacy policy available at

(11)  GOVERNING LAW: The Contest shall be governed by the lawsof the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein.Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all issues and questionsconcerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability ofthese Official Rules or the rights and obligations as between any person and/orEntrant and the Contest Sponsors in connection with the Contest shall begoverned by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the internal lawsof the Province of Ontario, Canada, including the procedural provisions ofthose laws, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rulesor provisions that would cause the application of any other jurisdiction’slaws.  The Contest Sponsors and all Entrants hereby attorn to thejurisdiction of the courts of that Province, sitting in the City of Toronto,Ontario, in respect of the determination of any matter, issue or disputearising under or in respect of these Official Rules and/or the Contest andagree that any such determination shall be brought solely and exclusivelybefore such courts. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision ofthese Official Rules shall not affect the validity or enforceability of anyother provision.  In the event that any provision is determined to beinvalid or otherwise unenforceable or illegal, these Official Rules shallotherwise remain in effect and shall be construed in accordance with the termsas if the invalid or illegal provision were not contained herein.  Anywords herein importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine genderand vice versa in both the singular and the plural.

The Molson and Coors logos and marks are the property of, or are licensed byMolson Canada 2005, and may not be reproduced without the prior written consentof Molson Canada 2005. © Molson Canada 2005 2024. All Rights Reserved.